Sea Salt & Water Diet
The Process
To begin a sea salt and water diet, simply add 1 or 2 tsp. sea salt to 1 qt. room-temperature water, mix together and drink immediately. You may substitute any noniodized salt and you may also use hot water, though not boiling. Many people find the mixture distasteful and difficult to drink. If you are not able to drink it all at once, take a short break, but make sure the salt is fully blended into the water before you continue drinking. If the salt has separated from the water, just stir until the salt and water are fully blended again.
The Results
It is very important to have immediate and frequent access to a bathroom after drinking the saltwater. Saltwater is not actually absorbed into the digestive system at all. The saltwater mixture has the same gravity as human blood, so it passes through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract rapidly. Results will be experienced quickly, often within 30 to 60 minutes. Depending upon how much of the saltwater mixture you consume, expect to have several watery bowel movements during a 4- to 6-hour period.
Master Cleanse
A saltwater flush is frequently incorporated as a daily part of the Master Cleanse detoxification diet. Also known as the Lemonade Diet, the Master Cleanse is a liquid diet based on a mixture of 2 tbsp. organic Grade B maple syrup, 2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice, 1/10 tsp. cayenne pepper powder and 10 oz. distilled or spring water.
After the Diet
Remember that a saltwater flush will not only remove harmful toxins, but it will also flush out good bacteria from your GI tract. Consume foods or supplements with probiotics to replace the good bacteria and rebalance your system. Yogurts with probiotics may advertise that they have "live cultures" or "active cultures." You can also check yogurt labels for common probiotic bacterias such as L. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus and L acidophilus. Probiotics are also featured in several brands of fruit drinks and nutrition bars such as Good Belly Probiotic Fruit Drink, DanActive Dairy Drink and Attune bars.