How To Clean the Inside of Your Body
Consume plenty of fresh ginger. Ginger stimulates your blood circulation while eliminating any toxins present in your body. Add this spice to your food every day. You can also eat natural ginger candy or prepare fresh ginger tea. Both can give you a similar effect.
Consume broccoli. This dark green vegetable contains a potent active ingredient called sulforaphane, which rids your body of cancer-causing toxins. Add broccoli to your meals every day.
Consume a lot of artichokes. Artichokes contain a powerful phytochemical called cynarin, which can cleanse your gastro-intestinal tract and protect and also detoxify your liver (the main organ of detoxification).
Drink plenty of aloe vera juice. The active ingredients of aloe vera are potent polysaccharides, which enhance your immune system, causing it to produce more macrophages that can help your body eliminate disease-causing toxins.
Eat raw fresh garlic. Curcumin is the active ingredient of garlic. It cleanses your body by eliminating toxins from your bloodstream. Chop one cup of uncooked garlic cloves in a blender and drink with one glass of water. Drink this mixture once daily, preferably in the morning.