Blue Green Algae for Weight Loss & Detox
Weight Loss
One of the best supplements to lose weight and detox with is blue-green algae/spirulina. dates blue-green algae back: "3.6 billion years ago, it provided an evolutionary bridge between bacteria and green plants." Blue-green algae is rich in protein; according to Medline Plus, it contains up to 70 percent protein, and while alone it does not cause weight loss, with a high-protein diet it can aid in weight loss. It is also a vitamin-enriched antioxidant, which aids in overall health. Medline Plus recommends taking 200 mg tablets three times daily, just before eating. With the high-protein content of the supplement and fiber-rich sources of complex carbohydrates, you can lose weight because you are staying full longer and not as likely to overindulge.
Detoxing the body is a craze right now, and for good reason. Getting rid of the toxins in your body enables you to cleanse your organs and blood. According to, spirulina's "blue bilin supplements our body's own natural defenses against the toxic free radical super-oxide" which involves the liver's digestive process, and no other food or supplement can do that.
To aid in the detox, blue-green algae/spirulina contains beta carotene, lutein, iron and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). It also contains an unusual combination of polysaccharides, sulfolipids, glycolipids and other ingredients that are still being studied by scientists. Taking blue-green algae/spirulina for your detox "supports a healthy cardiovascular system and protects from oxidative stress."