Self Detox Tips
While there are several products available to purchase that claim to help detoxify your body, none of them are vital for a successful cleanse. By utilizing different therapies and focusing on your nutrition, you can create a personalized detox program that will be highly successful.
Detoxing Tactics
One of the keys to having a successful detox is using several elements that will help the body rid itself of toxins. Nutrition and hydration are very important considerations. You want to include purified or distilled water, organic juices, superfoods (such as algae and wheat grass), herbs, organic fruits and organic vegetables in your program.
Exercise is another important element to include in your detox program. This is due to the fact that exercise helps release toxins and combat several side effects. Low-impact forms of physical activity, such as yoga and tai chi, are favored.
Massage, hydrotherapy, reflexology and skin brushing can be great additions to your detox program because bodies release toxins through skin stimulation. Aromatherapy and meditation are also important ways to help relieve stress.
Planning for your Detox Program
By properly planning ahead for your detox, you can make the process easier. First, look for a variety of detox nutrition information. Find information about any herbs you plan to include during your cleanse. Once you've read through this information, plan your meals and snacks for the entire program. Remember to have a variety of organic foods and juices included. Be sure to account for any allergies or digestive problems when planning your meals.
Pay attention to any health factors or concerns you have. For example, if you're on prescription medication, have diabetes, or are pregnant you should check with your medical practitioner before planning a detox.
It is better to detox when you will have plenty of free time and little stress. Stress levels will affect your reaction to the detox and can cause more side effects.
Go shopping in advance for the detox. This will make for less temptations and less stress during the detox.
Tell everyone you spend time with about your detox program in advance. Not only will this help give you a bit of support (and maybe even a detox buddy), it should help keep invitations to go off your detox program to a minimum.
Timeline of a Detox
You can set up a detox program for a single day or up to a week. It is best to start off with a single day detox. Once you've seen how your body reacts, you can plan a more strenuous program that lasts several days. A cleanse that lasts at least two to three days is optimal because some toxins take a long time to leave the body.
There are several elements of a detox plan you can implement in your daily life. By drinking lots of purified or distilled water, eating organic foods, using non toxic home cleaning products, and exercising regularly you can help lessen the amount of toxins entering your body.
Effects of a Detox
Common side effects during a detox program can include headaches, body aches, emotional instability/mood swings, higher blood pressure, frequent urination and bowel movements,and fever.
Common beneficial effects that occur after finishing a detox program include an increase in energy and vitality, a boost to your immune system, better sleep, improved hair and skin, stress reduction, and potential weight loss.