Niacin Detox Tips
Eat Before Taking Niacin
For the most comfortable niacin experience, eat before taking the vitamin. A full stomach is not necessary, but a small amount of healthful food in the stomach can lessen the chances of disturbing side effects, such as severe flushing.
Drink Plenty of Water
Niacin allows the blood flow more freely through the veins, which aids in the cleansing process. Water is a necessary part of any flush or detox, and it can help push the niacin more efficiently and effectively through the system. This can help to ensure that the toxins and the niacin are flushed out of the body more quickly and that the side effects of the niacin aren't as pronounced.
Get Plenty of Exercise
Niacin works to flush toxins out of the fat cells in the body. Plenty of exercise can boost the metabolism and help boost the niacin flush. It doesn't have to be anything strenuous: a light jog, some yoga or a brisk walk are more than sufficient.