Ways to Detox the Body for Diabetics
Citrus-Based Detox
Lemons, limes and grapefruits make frequent appearances in detox diets and cleanses. Their high levels of vitamin C offer a natural antioxidant, improving iron absorption, the immune system and the processing of collagen in the body. While citrus detoxes often include honey or a sugary fruit like papaya, they can be cut out, as they are used primarily as sweeteners to offset the sour flavor of the citrus.
Vinegar Detox
Apple cider vinegar is one of the best natural cleansers for the body and is perfectly suitable for diabetics to consume in quantities during a detox. It contains no carbohydrates, so it has no effect on glucose levels. When drinking apple cider vinegar, dilute it with water, as drinking it in concentrated form may burn the esophagus.
Vegetarian Cleanse
Diabetics can also eat vegetarian cuisine as a way to detox the body. Consuming meat for a long period of time can make the body sluggish and fill it with toxins that take a long time to process and eliminate. While some vegetarian foods are high in carbohydrates, such as white pasta, potatoes and legumes, there are plenty of vegetarian foods that are friendly to diabetics. Dark, leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli are relatively low in carbohydrates, as are whole grains, nuts, eggs and tofu.