What Is Colonics?
Individuals get colonics if they are irregular, starting a weight-loss diet or as a preventative measure against gastrointestinal disorders such as diverticulosis, chronic constipation or bowel cancer.
Mainstream Western physicians may not agree that colonics are necessary, while integrated physicians understand that adults may need additional help cleansing the bowel deeply to prevent disease.
Colonics are treatments given normally by a licensed colon hydrotherapist or vocational nurse in a clinic. Rates might range from $70 to $110 per treatment. Colonics are a more thorough version of enemas, which were very widely used in the 1940s at home. Sometimes individuals go to spas and for colonics while they are on a juice fast to speed weight loss.
There is a misconception that colonics are not necessary. For people who have less than two to three daily bowel movements, colonics might help them reestablish healthy daily detoxification. It is not unusual to hear people report two to three bowel movements per week. That is a low number given how much most people eat each day. Toxicity in the bowel can result in weight gain.
Colonics normally consist of filtered water. In some cases, other types of colonics can be used. These include coffee colonics, aloe vera colonics or those with probiotics. Coffee is used as it helps the liver secrete bile. Aloe vera provides healing for tissues of the large intestine. Probiotics are live cultures such as lactobacillus bifidus, which are found in live culture yogurt. They are used in colonics to help establish friendly bacterial gut to improve digestion.
Colonics remove waste from the colon and might help some people lose weight. Generally, people might lose a few pounds after each colonic treatment. Colonics might help improve absorption of nutrients from foods as the GI tract is cleansed.
If you are pregnant or have any serious medical issues, check with your doctor before getting a colonic.
If you have a history of eating disorders or being underweight, also see your physician for advice.
Be certain you receive colonics from a licensed colon hydrotherapist, nurse or vocational nurse.