How to Prepare a Salt Bath for Live Cells

As a cure for a skin disorder, a detoxifying technique or as a revitalizing way to bathe, people have been using salt baths to stimulate their live cells and aid in their healthful lifestyles for centuries. The salt people use for these baths is not just any salt, it is Himalayan salt, mined from the Himalayan Mountains and packed with 84 minerals to purify and energize skin. Naturally stimulate live cells and relax with a salt bath prepared with Himalayan salts.

Things You'll Need

  • 2.2 lbs (1 kg) Himalayan salt
  • Bathtub
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    • 1

      Wait until a full moon or a new moon. Your body detoxifies better during a new moon and absorbs minerals better at a full moon, says the Audarya Fellowship.

    • 2

      Put salt in your bathtub in an even layer. Cover with water and let set until dissolved, about 30 minutes.

    • 3

      Fill bathtub to a comfortable level for a bath.

    • 4

      Soak in your tub for 30 minutes.

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      Rest for 30 minutes. Give your body time to detoxify and recover from the stimulating effects of the Himalayan salt.

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