About Colonic Irrigation
Colonic irrigation can be done at home with enemas or in special hydrotherapy clinics where machinery is used to efficiently detoxify the colon.
Some people do this to help them speed weight loss on a diet. Others do it as a regular practice between the seasons as a way to clear waste from the gastrointestinal system in a thorough way. For example, spring solstice is a popular time to do colonic irrigation.
Colonic irrigation is a means to cleanse the colon by placing water into it, which is later evacuated either by regular bowel movements or evacuated using special machines in a hydrotherapy clinic.
Colonic irrigation can be done with enemas at home where a tube is inserted into the anus and a simple enema bag filled with water is emptied into the colon. Waste is removed when the person has a bowel movement.
At a hydrotherapy clinic, clients lie on treatment tables, and a special machine installed in the wall is used. A tube is inserted in the anus and filtered water is placed into the colon. Soon after, the machine evacuates the contents, and it is removed from the colon.
Colonic irrigation hydrates the large intestine with water or other liquid. Once the body has released the waste, it is customary to use probiotics to restore balance to the gastrointestinal system.
At home, people can administer several enemas to duplicate what a colonic would be in a hydrotherapy clinic. For example, approximately six enemas are roughly the same as getting one colonic in a clinic.
For the final rounds of a colonic, coffee that has cooled off can be added. This encourages the liver to release bile and may help improve absorption. Real aloe vera juice or even yogurt can be added. Aloe vera helps heal tissues, and yogurt has live cultures that help increase friendly intestinal bacteria that is important for digestion.
Colonics can be done to help people lose weight. Often people conduct a juice fast and perform colonics. This is said to remove all the waste from the colon and help improve digestion and absorption. The idea is to perform a thorough detoxification of the colon. Other people do this if they are irregular or have over consumed meat and processed foods.
Time Frame
While some people may use colonic irrigation to help them lose weight while they diet, others use colonics between each season. For example, they do colonics before spring, summer, fall, and winter solstice. These seasonal cleanses are a way to clear the body of any waste remaining from the previous season and a way to start with a "clean slate."
The biggest misconception is to believe that by doing colonic irrigation alone will be the answer to rapid and permanent weight loss. It is possible to lose weight after doing colonics, but it is usually only water weight that will return after you are properly hydrated. The best way to lose weight is to eat a low-fat, healthful diet, exercise at least 4 times a week, and to use a stress-management plan to reduce binging.