What Are the Benefits of Cleansing the Liver?
Releasing Liver Gallstones
One of the major benefits of cleansing the liver is releasing and eliminating gallstones from the liver. The common assumption that gallstones are only found in the gallbladder is erroneous. Actually, the majority of gallstones are formed in the liver and sometimes hundreds, and even thousands, of gallstones are blocking the liver bile ducts that attach the liver and gallbladder to the small intestine. These bile ducts aid in fat digestion by moving bile from the gallbladder and liver into the small intestine. When these bile ducts are blocked with gallstones, the liver becomes overtaxed and is unable to perform efficiently, allowing illness and disease to develop within the body.
Eradicating Skin Inflammation
According to Ayurvedic, traditional Indian medicine principles, five digestive fires are found in the liver that signifies fire, water, earth, space and air. These five digestive fires each have a key role in digesting specific food elements. When the liver is clogged with impurities, these five digestive fires cannot properly function and inflammation of the skin, including acne, psoriasis, cold sores and skin breakouts may occur. Cleansing the liver with Ayurvedic liver cleansing products will restore the balance of the five digestive fires and eradicate the skin inflammations.
Restoring Pleasant Personality and Mood
Many people suffer with various personality and mood disorders without any known internal or external negative factors precipitating these moods. Often these abnormalities can be traced to poor liver function. Slow liver functioning will result in an abundance of toxic materials flowing through the blood stream and ultimately effecting brain function. Liver cleansing can remove these toxic materials, replenish proper brain functioning and restore pleasant personalities and moods.
Flushing Out Excess Weight
While modern medicine and modern social patterns tend to regard excessive weight as something to be eradicated by diet and exercise, not all people believe this to be correct. According to Dr. Sandra Cabot, the liver is the "supreme organ of metabolism" and a malfunctioning liver is the root cause of many fat deposits and enlarged abdomens. Cabot advocates that the cleansing of the liver through diet is the key to treating the actual cause of weight gain and not just the weight gain itself.
Headache/Allergy Relief
Inadequate liver functioning can be the underlying cause of many minor to severe allergic reactions and head pain. Hives, headaches and hay fever are just a few ailments that can be traced back to poor liver function. Cleansing the liver can remove the harmful poisonous substances that cause the body to experience head pain and seasonal allergies.