How to Clean & Remove Parasites From the Colon
Clean up the diet. There are certain foods that promote parasites to grow and they should be cut out of the diet. Some of these include white flour, sugar, yeast and foods that are high in saturated fat. Also avoid meats that are not cooked very well.
Drink your water. Eliminate high calorie beverages such as soda, alcohol and sweetened coffee drinks. Drink water instead as it has no calories or sugar and it helps to flush toxins out of the body. The Institute of Medicine recommends that women should consume 2.2 liters a day and men should consume 3 liters a day.
Increase your fiber. Fiber helps to pass waste products out of the colon by promoting regularity. Some foods that contain fiber include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, oat bran and oatmeal. It can also be found in the form of a powder called psyllium husks.
Take some herbs. There are various herbs that can help push toxins out of the colon and also help kill parasites. Some of these include marshmallow root, ginger, aloe vera, burdock root, black walnut and passion fruit.
Eat some key foods. There are various foods that can be beneficial to ridding parasites from the body. Some of these include pumpkin seeds, garlic, cloves and fennel. These not only help to kill parasites, but they also help to kill eggs that they leave behind.