How to Keep a Colon Completely Cleansed
Things You'll Need
- Fresh, Clean Water
- Psyllium Husks
- Fresh Organic Fruits and Vegetables
- Probiotic Supplements
- Enema Supplies
Cleanse the Colon Regularly and Change Harmful Habits
Get annual colonic irrigation in three sessions, two weeks apart. Colonics fill the colon with water and wash it out. The cost of colonic irrigation varies from $50 to $100 per session.
Take weekly enemas. Fill the enema container with warm water, flush air out of the tubing and insert the lubricated tip into the rectum. Hang the bag or bucket at least 2 feet higher than the bed, and lie on the left side. Fill the bowel with as much water as possible, and hold it in for 10 minutes before going to the toilet.
Add fiber to your diet, along with lots of water. Psyllium husks are the fibers of psyllium seeds. They provide bulk and act as an internal broom for cleansing the colon. Follow label instructions.
Fast several times a year to eliminate waste that accumulates in the bowel. A three-day juice fast is safe and effective. Use fresh organic juices. If you get very hungry, add clear soups.
Eat a healthy diet to maintain a clean colon. Fresh organic fruits and vegetables provide nutrients and fiber without toxins. Soak raw nuts and seeds to make them more digestible. If you eat other types of food, learn the basics of proper food-combining to avoid fermentation in the bowel.
Drink eight to 10 glasses of fresh clean water daily. Distilled water is recommended, but beware of invisible toxins that may leach into the water from plastic bottles, particularly if they are stored at high temperatures. Store water in glass containers. Home water filters are a good investment.