What Are the Side Effects of Colonic Irrigation?
Colonic irrigation, also known as high colonics and colon hydrotherapy, includes a few steps. A device called a speculum is inserted into the rectum. Warm water with various nutrients in it is then flushed into the colon to loosen impacted material. The flow of water is then reversed and the backed up material is expelled from the body.
When getting a colonic done, the tools utilized need to be sterilized and cleaned well. If they are not, then bacteria can form. A good example of this would be the speculum. If it is contaminated and inserted into the rectum when it is not sanitary, an infection can possibly take place. Infections can also occur if too much of the body's good bacteria is extracted and the bad bacteria left behind ends up manifesting.
Intestinal Walls
After the speculum is inserted into the rectum, a lot of caution needs to be taken. If it were to hit the intestinal wall of the bowel, or if too much water pressure were used, the wall could become damaged and an infection can occur.
When a colonic is being done, a lot of fluid flows through the body. When this happens, some key minerals like potassium and sodium can end up getting washed away, which can lead to dehydration.
The tools used in the colonics procedure often times have latex on them, like the tip of speculum for example. If you happen to be allergic to latex, then this can set off a reaction. There is also a chance that you can be allergic to one or more of the nutrients in the water, which can cause allergic reactions as well.
There can also be more mild side effects recognized when doing a colonic irrigation. After the procedure is over, you can experience a detoxing effect which can cause you to feel weak and nauseous. This happens more often if you are tensed up while the procedure is being done.