Post Master Cleanse Diet
To break the fast, drink fresh vegetable and fruit juices. Gradually add steamed whole vegetables and easy-to-digest foods and low-fat yogurt or cooked mung beans and brown rice.
The master cleanse is still a popular diet that requires fasting by drinking only the lemon tea. To return to eating after the fast, start with fruit and vegetable juices and later, steamed vegetables, whole fruits. Gradually add low-fat yogurt and easy to digest legumes.
Break the master cleanse fast with freshly extracted fruit and vegetables juices and drinking herbal teas such as peppermint or bancha. Graduate to steamed vegetables, plain brown rice. Add small amounts of yogurt, legumes or soft-boiled eggs.
The idea is to let the stomach slowly adapt to digesting whole foods after consuming only lemon tea for days. Use enzymes made from bromelain (found in pineapple) or papaya to ease the transition to whole foods.
Roughly chopped ginger root steeped in hot water also helps digestion.
For people who consume the master cleanse tea for more than 3 days, adapting to whole foods again should be done gradually. By slowly introducing steamed vegetables, simple salads with olive or flax seed oil and fruits such as pineapple, you will ensure that your body is able to easily digest these whole foods.
Many people fast on the master cleanse hoping to lose a lot of weight. While people may lose weight, this is mainly water weight. To safely lose weight permanently, exercise at least 4 times a week and follow a long-term whole foods, low-fat diet.