How to Give a High Colonic

A high colonic is an enema that uses a lot of water to cleanse the colon. The object of the procedure is to flush toxins, feces, bacteria and other materials from the colon. Colonics are similar to enemas, though they tend to use greater volumes of water with nothing added to the solution.

Things You'll Need

  • Colonic machine
  • Heavy bath towel
  • Bed
  • Warm water
  • Water-based lubricant
  • Toilet
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    • 1

      Set up the area where you will give the colonic. Make sure the bed is close to the colonic irrigation system. Make sure the area is also close to a bathroom. Lay a towel on the bed.

    • 2

      Fill the machine's water container with water just barely above body temperature. Lubricate the rectal nozzle. Open the clamp and allow the air out of the tube.

    • 3

      Have the patient lay on the bed on her left side. Lubricate the rectum. This protects the sensitive skin of the rectum and makes it easier to insert the nozzle.

    • 4

      Insert the colon nozzle into the rectum about three to four inches. Once the patient is comfortable, allow the water to begin flowing. If the patient has any discomfort, stop the water flow for a few moments.

    • 5

      When the water container is empty, shut off the machine and slowly remove the tube.

    • 6

      Use the toilet and expel the enema. Remain near a toilet for about an hour to make sure all movements are finished.

    • 7

      Make sure to clean the equipment completely.

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