How to Cleanse Your Body Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Milk thistle
- Uva ursi
- Herbal colon cleanser
Drink plenty of water every day. The body needs fluids for many important processes. By drinking about 10 glasses of water every day, toxins and wastes are removed from the body. Other healthy choices are fruits juice and vegetable juices.
Try a fast. The body uses a lot of energy digesting and eliminating foods. A fast lets the body use this energy for other purposes, such as self-healing. There are many different types of fasts. Some allow only water, while others allow fruit juices or vegetable juices. A fast once or twice a week can help. Longer fasts are done, but usually only under medical supervision.
Eat organically grown foods. Organic foods, whether fruits, vegetables or meats, are better for the body. These foods contain far less chemicals, such as insecticides, growth hormones, sulfates and preservatives.
Clean the colon. The intestines hold many toxins, wastes and chemicals that can be reabsorbed into the body. By removing the fecal matter and debris, the body is cleaner overall. There are many herbal colon cleaners that are easy capsules to take. An occasional enema or colonic irrigation can also help. With these two methods, warm water is forced into the colon to flush away the wastes. The best thing may be to add a lot of fiber to the diet. Whole grain foods, brewer's yeast and wheat germ are all high fiber foods, in addition to green leafy vegetables.
Clean the bloodstream. The blood removes wastes from the body and also carries nutrients to the organs an tissues. The kidneys are the main organ for filtering the blood. To get the kidney in top working order, take uva ursi supplements, an herb known to clean the kidneys.
Clean the liver. The liver performs many functions in the body. One function is filtering out toxins that accumulate in the body. To get the liver functioning better take milk thistle supplements to clean out the liver.