How to Do the Master Cleanse
Things You'll Need
- 3 1-liter bottles
- Maple syrup
- Lemons
- Cayenne pepper
- Sea salt
Remove the junk. In the first part of the Master Cleanse, you need to eliminate all the bad foods from your diet. This includes deep fried foods, processed foods, refined foods and foods that are high in saturated fat.
Ease your way in. You are to do an ease-in phase the first three days before the actual cleanse starts. This is to get your body acclimated to liquid calories. On the first day, you eat nothing but fruits and vegetables. On the second day, you drink the juices of the fruits and vegetables. On the day before you start the fast, you drink 2 liters of fresh squeezed orange juice mixed with water and 2 tbsp. of maple syrup throughout the day.
Make your lemonade. First thing in the morning, you need to prepare your daily lemonade. Mix 14 tbsp. of lemon juice, 14 tbsp. of maple syrup, 1/2 tsp. of cayenne pepper and 2 liters of water together. Divide it into two of your 1-liter bottles and fill the other bottle with water.
Drink the lemonade. Whenever you feel hungry, take a few shots of the lemonade and chase it down with some water. The 2 liters is your whole daily amount, so make sure to spread it out. You want to end up in the evening with no lemonade, so pay attention to the pace you set for yourself.
Do the flush. This part is done in the evening after you have run out of lemonade. Fill one of your liter bottles with room temperature water and a tablespoon of sea salt. Shake it up really well and drink it all down. You don't necessarily have to chug right down in one breath, but drink it down continuously until it is gone.
Be ready to evacuate. After about 30 to 60 minutes, you are going to have to take a lot of trips to the bathroom. This is where you will be flushing the digestive tract of backed-up fecal matter. Remain close to the bathroom until your bowel movements have gotten to the point where they are greater than 15 minutes apart. You should then be safe to go about your evening as usual.
Repeat the process. Now follow the same process every day for three to seven days. After your last day of the cleanse, do an ease-out phase exactly the same way as the ease-in phase but in reverse order. Do the orange juice the first day, the juices the second day, the fruits and vegetables the third day and then go back to your regular diet.