How to Diet Using Biblical Fasting
Determine your purpose in choosing this difficult course of fasting to lose weight. Is it totally for weight loss? You will find that if this is your sole purpose, you will most likely fail because your focus will be on what you're missing-food.
The Christian's goal should be one of obedience and repentance and lots and lots of prayer. Your focus will be on God, and as Philippians 4:13 states, "I can do all things through Christ Jesus, who strengthens me." -
Determine the length of your fast. This is solely your decision, although many people set a length of 10, 30 or 40 days. If this fast is for weight loss, no matter how many days you choose, it will be a great jumpstart on your weight loss.
Determine if you will drink only water (water fast), fresh juice (juice fast) or a combination. With either way, you may drink as much as your heart desires. The juice you choose should be as close to fresh, natural juice as possible; choose juice with no sugar or preservatives added.
Put together your plan before you begin your fast. How will you handle temptation, which will surely happen because Satan would love for you to fail in your obedience to God. If you are fasting with juice, make sure you have variety and that you have enough that you don't run out.
You may wish to delve into a Bible study at this time to keep your mind and heart focused on Christ. Use the time to have a spiritual, as well as a physical, detoxification. The more time you spend with God, the easier fasting will be. -
Determine what your plan is for yourself when the fast is over. This is a perfect opportunity to continue eating light and nutritious foods to continue losing weight or to maintain your weight.