Home Remedies to Cleanse Your System
Water is the best way to cleanse the body of toxins brought in by unhealthy food, drink and drugs. Drink 8 to 10 8-oz. glasses of water every day to cleanse your system of toxins.
Fruits and Vegetables
Eat at least one or two servings of your favorite fruits and vegetables every day to help cleanse your system of any toxins.
Lots of exercise every day is one of the best ways to increase the cleansing process. Walk every day when you can, do sit-ups, push-ups and jog around the block in your spare time.
Dry Massage
Dry massage with a brush, towel or dry wash cloth will help cleanse your system of toxins. Using a brush, dry wash cloth or towel on your body will get rid of dead skin cells and help cleanse your system.
Detox Drink
Besides water, there are other liquids you can drink to help cleanse your system. Consider a detox drink such as hot water and lemon, ginger and green tea, or fruit and vegetable smoothies.