How to Juice Fast Cleanse and Detox

A juice fast has been widely seen as a good way to cleanse and detoxify your liver, beneficial

Things You'll Need

  • Juice
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      A juice fast is accomplished by avoiding solid food for a period of time and taking in just fresh juice. Usually people will do a juice fast for 1 to 3 days. Do not do longer extremes without getting medical advice. Avoid a detoxifying juice fast if you are pregnant or nursing, on medications, or diabetic. Also do not put young children on a juice fast. If you have questions consult your physician before you begin a juice fast of any length.

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      Do not eat solid food but sip 32 to 64 ounces of juice in small amounts throughout the day. Drink 6 to 8 full 8 ounce glasses of water during the day in addition to the juices. The water will help flush toxins out of your system.

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      Most types of fresh juice can be used in a juice fast. Fruit and vegetables can be juiced at home or buy juice. Go with 100% juice and not sugary juice drinks. Many recommend organic juice. Carrot juice and beet juice are seen as very beneficial. Avoid citrus juices. Grapefruit juice has been tested as a juice that will strengthen and interfere with many prescription medications. Some studies link pomegranate juice to similar effects on medication.

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      A juice fast is supposed to give your digestive tract and stomach a rest and allow the energy used for digestion to help your body heal and eliminate built up toxins. When you finish your juice fast high fiber cereals and high fiber fruit and vegetables are helpful in binding with toxins and removing them from your system.

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      There are health food store detoxifying remedies. Most use fiber to help your system as well as herbs and other agents to detoxify. A juice fast is a less expensive way to do the same type of cleanse in a more natural fashion. Be aware you will probably need to use the restroom more frequently due to the amount of liquid. Juice may also have a laxative effect. If you take beet juice make sure you remember what that looks like later when you use the restroom or you may see red colored water and panic. Beet juice is a very efficient coloring agent and dye. It will make your stools bleed red and have sent more than one person into panic mode.

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