About Papaya Colon Cleanse
The Cleanse
The papaya colon cleanse uses a green papaya mixed with other fruits and vegetables. In order to make it, mix a small chunk of green papaya in the blender with other fruits and vegetables.
Additional Drinks
When you eat, don't eat acid-forming foods. Select mild alkaline forming foods instead (see Resources).
Papaya contains papain, a substance similar to bromelain from pineapples. It aids in digestion and reduces inflammation. The papaya also contains chymopapain. The enzyme from the papaya closely resembles the pepsin produced in the stomach.
The papaya digests easily, but its fiber is a gentle treatment for constipation. The fiber binds to the colon and removes the colon's waste.
The papaya's rich source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin E and folate may aid in the battle against colon cancer.
If you have an infection in the colon, the juice of the papaya helps clear away the infection, pus and mucus.