How to Detox Acids From the Body
Things You'll Need
- pH strips
Get pH strips. These are strips that you use to check your pH levels. They can be used with urine or saliva. Check your pH daily to monitor how acidic or alkaline you are. The more yellow the strip is, the more acidic you are. The idea is for the strip to be green, which would indicate alkalinity.
Stop eating acidic foods. Ween out foods that cause acid buildup in the body--deep-fried foods, highly processed foods, refined carbohydrates, soda, coffee, beer, wine and candy. Also avoid heavy creams, cheeses and sauces.
Eat alkaline foods. Some examples of alkaline foods are fresh fruits and vegetables, fermented tofu, greens, sprouts, apple cider vinegar and various herbs. Incorporate as many of these foods in your diet as you can. Also make sure to keep the preparations as clean as possible. Avoid cooking them with heavy amounts of butter and oil.
Drink a lot of water. According to the Food and Nutrition Board, women should get about 2.7 liters of total water daily and men should get about 3.7 liters. Water helps to flush the body of impurities and toxins. To make it even more effective, add lemon, limes or cucumber slices. These are high in alkalinity.
Sweat it out. Excessive sweating can help draw acidity form the body. Go to a steam room, sauna or even attend hot yoga classes. Just make sure to stay well hydrated before, during and after.
Do an actual detox. This is a system in which you take certain vitamins and minerals, eat clean foods and drink a lot of water to detox the system. They can be bought in kits and can be found at health food stores. Doing a detox helps promote the liver, kidneys and lymph system to flush impurities from the body.