Natural Blood Detox
Water is needed to manufacture blood in the body. Drinking lots of water will supply an important component. Drinking lots of fluids each day cleans the blood and flushes away wastes.
There are a few herbs that remove wastes and toxins from the blood. Burdock root, red clover and chaparral are three herbs to try. Use them as a tea or in pill form.
The kidneys make up a filtering system that cleans the bloodstream several times per day. To keep the kidneys at maximum efficiency, clean them with the herb Uva Ursi.
The liver is also a filtering organ that rids the body of toxins. To improve the functioning of the liver, use the herb Milk Thistle. It cleans the liver.
A fast allows the body to clean itself. The blood removes wastes from the body. By not eating, there are fewer toxins that the blood has to process.