Natural Foods Used for Detox
Water is an excellent cleanser during a detox. Experts recommend drinking seven or eight glasses a day during the process.
Leafy vegetables have chlorophyll, a strong antioxidant, while high-fiber vegetables can help scour residue from your colon. They include broccoli, cauliflower, beets, artichokes and greens.
Fresh fruit contributes antioxidants and vitamin C, which dilute toxins in the body (allowing them to be removed and flushed away much more readily).
Lentil beans, kidney beans and split green peas are all a strong source of fiber. They also provide a reliable source of protein to maintain nutritional balance.
High-Fiber Grains
High-fiber grains includes buckwheat, millet, brown rice and rice cakes. Stay away from white rice and processed breads, however.
Nuts and Seeds
Certain kinds of nuts can also be an excellent source of fiber and protein. Walnuts, sunflower seeds, cashews and almonds are all excellent, though you should avoid peanuts and peanut-based products.