About Foods That Help Detox the Body
Detoxification involves increasing your fluid intake, cleaning out your gastrointestinal tract and eating foods that will stimulate your liver's functions to further detoxify your body.
Hydrate Your Body
Drink plenty of water and other fluids. The water will oxygenate your body down to the cellular level, forcing cellular debris out and into the bloodstream, for excretion.
With the exception of caffeine and sugar drinks, you can choose from fresh fruit and vegetable juices, as well as store-bought drinks. If plain water is not appealing, try drinking it as an herbal tea. Many herbal teas have detoxifying properties. Green tea is an excellent choice for detoxification because it stimulates the liver's cleansing processes.
Fruits and Leafy Vegetables
Eat plenty of leafy green vegetables and fresh fruits. Chlorophyll naturally breaks down toxins. Both fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that aid the body's detoxification.
Lemons are a natural cleanser, both within the body and for the environment. Lemons contain vitamin C, which is a detoxifying vitamin. It helps to dissolve harmful substances, making it easier for the body to expel them from the body.
Watercress leaves and bulbs are a natural diuretic. As you consume more fluids during the detoxification, this diuretic will help to move the harmful toxins through and out of our system.
Liver Stimulators
Garlic, sesame seeds and cabbage all stimulate the liver's detoxification functions. Garlic and cabbage both activate the enzymes produced by the liver, to stimulate the detoxification process. Sesame seeds act as a liver-cell protectant to prevent damage to the liver cells, so that it can continue to function as the body's detoxification center.
For many centuries, psyllium has been used in natural detoxification. It produces a highly-soluble fiber that swells up within the gastrointestinal tract when it is consumed with fluids. It then scrubs the internal walls of the stomach, small intestine and colon, acting as a trapping agent for debris along the way. Its action also opens up the pores within the large intestinal walls, stimulating the liver's activities to detoxify the body further.
Consult your doctor or health care professional before embarking upon a detoxification process. Discuss the food options and the best methods of approaching how to clean out your body's systems. Make sure that your liver, GI tract, heart and other organs are healthy enough to undergo detoxification.