Full Body Cleanse Vs. Colon Cleanse
A full body cleanse removes wastes from the cells, tissues and organs in the body. A colon cleanse only removes fecal matter from the large intestines.
A full body cleanse can include fasting, drinking fluids, aerobic exercise, and herbal remedies. The main ways to clean the colon is with fiber, commercial colon cleaners and colonic hydrotherapy.
People generally feel better after removing accumulated wastes from the body, and some diseases may be cured. With a colon cleanse, there is less a chance of diarrhea, constipation and the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
There are many cleaning methods that can be done daily like drinking water, eating fiber and aerobic exercise, but colonic hydrotherapy can prove harmful if dome improperly or daily. Fasting for too long can also pose problems.
Cleansing the entire body is a more recent form of alternative healing. Centuries ago, cleaning the colon with daily enemas was used to treat diseases.