How to Remove Candida Yeast From Your Body

Yeast infections are caused by many environmental and biological factors, including laundry detergents and soaps; scented or colored toilet paper and non-organic tampons; feminine deodorant sprays; sexual relations; an improper diet; and hormonal imbalances and changes. Candida yeast infection is an overgrowth of yeast --- a parasitic invasion causing itching, discomfort and a thick gray to yellow discharge. Ignoring a yeast infection doesn't make it go away, and may exacerbate the problem by encouraging the candida to go systemic, a "whole body" infection, which includes infection of the brain.

Things You'll Need

  • Monistat-7 Plain yogurt
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  1. Over-the-Counter Medicine

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      Using Monistat-7 or the generic equivalent, which is usually located next to the brand-name product, is an effective method for curing a candida yeast infection. Monistat-7 comes with seven applicators and a tube of anti-fungal cream, which is squeezed nightly into one of the plastic vaginal applicators and transferred into the vagina. Lying down is recommended to prevent leakage and for better efficacy.

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      Use plain yogurt as a natural yeast infection cure. Natural yogurt contains bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus, which occurs naturally in the vagina, and is less expensive than traditional anti-fungals. Use the plain yogurt in the same way as regular vaginal yeast infection remedies such as Monistat-7.

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      Shower or bathe every day to keep body yeasts at a minimum. Dry the genital area carefully and always wear clean underwear each day. Candida albicans loves a warm, dark and moist environment in which to breed. After exercising or strenuous work, re-shower and dry properly.

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      Limit your sugar intake by using a natural sugar-free sweetener such as Stevia in its place. Too much sugar leads to unnecessary yeast infections and spikes in blood sugar, which may affect your mood.

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      Wear a condom to prevent unnecessary exposure to yeast infections, as they can be spread by unsafe sex practices. Avoid oral sex with someone suffering from a yeast infection, as this may lead to thrush, a yeast infection presenting white spots within the mouth.

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