How to Cleanse Blood in the Body
Drink a lot of water. Blood is mostly made of liquid, so drinking lots of water helps to manufacture blood. It also helps to clean out the body by flushing away impurities and toxins. Water is necessary for life, and drinking plenty of fluids each will helps with cleansing the blood and the body. Drink at least 8 glasses a day.
Clean the kidneys. The main function of the kidneys is to clean the blood. The kidneys are a filtering system with 1 million nephrons (tiny filtering units) in side each one. If these nephrons are damaged or don't function properly, they can't filter the blood well. Drinking water helps to clean the kidneys, but so do certain herbs. Uva Ursi is a popular herbal remedy that cleans the kidneys. It can be found in health food stores.
Clean the liver. The liver has many functions including being a filtering system. By cleaning the liver it can function better, and this in turn helps to get the body clean internally, including the bloodstream. Milk thistle has been used for centuries as an herbal liver cleaner. Health food stores carry this supplement.
Use herbal remedies to clean the blood. There are a few herbs that are known to cleanse the blood. Chaparral, red clover, poke root and burdock root are a few of these. They are available as capsules or as teas. The FDA considers some of these herbs toxic, so do not take in high doses or for a lengthy period of time.
Try a fast. By not eating, you give your body a rest period from digesting food and from removing unwanted materials through the blood. It is important to drink plenty of fluids while on a fast. Taking vitamin and mineral supplements is optional.
Take proteolytic enzymes. These enzymes clean the blood by helping to break down organic wastes and debris in the blood. Take the enzymes during or after a meal for the best results. The enzymes enter the bloodstream almost immediately and start cleaning the blood. The enzymes are sold in health food stores and online.