About Night Time Colon Cleanses
The Liver Repairs and Renews Itself at Night
The liver is crucial to the health of the colon. The liver breaks down fats, processes sugars and carbohydrates, and pulls toxins out of the blood stream, metabolizes them and hands them off to the colon. Therefore, the liver is greatly responsible for what enters the colon in the first place. The liver goes through a repair and regeneration cycle overnight and therefore, liver support medicines or herbs are appropriate to take before bed and are useful to help cleanse the colon. Agents useful to support liver and colon detoxification include milk thistle (Silybum) and tumeric (Curcuma). Bitter roots such as dandelion (Taraxicum), burdock (Arctium), and Oregon grape (Mahonia) are also all excellent liver support agents. Many health food stores carry liver detoxification products that include all of these agents.
Fiber, Fiber and More Fiber
Fiber of all types is crucial to the healthy and cleansing of the colon. Fiber is not digested or absorbed for caloric or nutritional value, but rather helps support a healthy ecosystem within the intestines. The intestines are home to numerous bacterial species, some beneficial and some detrimental. Ample fiber in the diet promotes the beneficial bacteria and deters the detrimental bacteria. Nighttime colon cleansing routines should include ample fiber. Eat six to 10 different raw fruits or vegetables during the day for the duration of your cleansing program and use a fiber supplement before going to bed at night. Psyllium husks and finely powdered oat bran products are readily available. Stir 1 tablespoon into water or juice or add it to a blender drink and consume it in the evening. Be sure to drink two to three glasses of water afterward to help the fiber work best.
Probiotics are the opposite of antibiotics. Where antibiotics kill bacteria, probiotics support beneficial bacteria species in the intestines. Bacteria such as acidophilus, lactobacillus, bifidus and saccharomyces are beneficial to the health of the colon and help deter undesirable bacteria and yeasts from becoming established in the colon. Many such probiotic species are available in health food stores and can be taken before bed at night as part of your colon cleansing program.
The Detox Diet
While undergoing your colon cleansing routine, make it easy on your colon. Avoid foods that are hard to digest and have a slow "transit time." Transit time is the length of time it takes for a food to move through the body--from the time it is ingested to the time it is excreted. Fresh fruits and vegetables are easiest to digest and have some of the quickest transit times. Meats, cheeses, greasy foods and creamy sauces are among the most difficult to digest and have the slowest transit times. A colon with a fast transit time naturally supports the beneficial probiotic species. A slow transit time makes it hard for the colon to cleanse itself and support desirable bacteria. If you have any question how fast food moves through you, eat some corn and watch for how long it takes to be excreted. A healthy transit time should 24 hours or less. Transit time of over 48 hours is a set up for disease and a toxic colon.
Colon Cleansing Foods
In addition to high fiber and plenty of clear fluids, there are a few foods that are thought to be particularly detoxifying to both the liver and the colon. Beets and carrots are high on this list. Try to eat several raw carrots each day. A colon cleansing salad might include raw beets and carrots grated into a bowl and drizzled with a bit of vinegar, olive oil and honey.
Raw cabbage is also detoxifying to the colon. Cabbage juice is folkloric pioneer cure for ulcers and colon inflammation. Steam cabbage and eat as a side dish or use it raw in salads. Add cabbage in the last 15 minutes to any simmering soups and stews, or use cabbage leaves as a serving idea under salads, rice, or bean dishes.
Many thistle family herbs are among the most important liver and colon cleansers used by herbalists. Artichokes are the only thistle family plant commonly consumed as a vegetable. Steam fresh whole asparagus or used commercial artichoke hearts in hors d'oeuvres, salads and casseroles.