Body Detox Recipes
Check the symptoms that may indicate a need for a detox. Poor concentration, fatigue, frequent headaches, susceptibility to fungus infections, allergies, depression, bad breath, frequent headaches, indigestion, constipation, overweight, sugar cravings, premature signs of aging, mood swings and allergies are all signs that your body needs a detoxification. These are also symptoms of other diseases, so if you don't see results from detoxification or have severe symptoms, see your doctor.
3-Day Cleanse
Start with a few days of eating light before you go on 3-day cleanse. The basic cleanse recipe is simple: fresh fruits and vegetables, usually liquefied, and various drinks.
Simply mix 2 tsp. of organic apple cider vinegar with 8 oz. of water for one of your drinks. Eat a sliced apple or unsweetened applesauce for meals. You can also bake apples, but don't add sugar. If you need, add a little cinnamon. Other drinks you're allowed are unfiltered apple juice and distilled water or spring water. Eat as much as you want but don't eat anything else for 3 days. When you go back on regular food, eat lightly at first.
A great drink while you're on a detox can either be the meal or just enhance it. Try either a Lemony Zest Tea or Green Honey Tea. For the Lemony Zest tea you simply pour a cup of hot water, add the juice of half a lemon, 1 tsp. of real maple syrup and cayenne pepper to taste. You can substitute ginger and turmeric for the cayenne pepper. The other favorite is Green Honey tea. Make the green tea as you normally would, add 2 tsp. of raw honey, use any flavor (acai is delicious) and 1/2 tsp. of organic cinnamon. Mix it thoroughly.
Get an energy boost with an alkalizing raw soup. This is a great recipe for the middle of a detox, since some last as long as 12 weeks. Slice two spring onions and ½ red bell pepper. Peel a cucumber and avocado and put it in a blender, add the onions and bell peppers, 2 cups of raw spinach, 1 clove of garlic, the juice of a lemon, and enough light bouillon broth basil to make it a thick soup. Season it with a soy sauce substitute that contains proteins. Add parsley, coriander, basil, sage or cumin until you're satisfied with the taste.
Target Organs
Grab your juicer and get ready for some raw food taste treats. You can make juice mixtures that specifically treat certain areas. If you want a liver cleanse, toss in a beet, carrot, 2 radishes and a green apple. To cleanse the kidneys, mix a chunk of watermelon with celery and parsley. Of course you can use these as one of your drinks while on a body cleanse. Another good body detox drink uses 2 cups of fresh spinach, a handful of Italian parsley, 3 stalks of celery and 3 carrots. Put them in the juicer and enjoy.
Juice Mix
Another great drink can make use of the blender if you don't have a juicer. Toss 3 small cut-up apples, a handful of spinach, 1/2 cup fresh chopped parsley, a stalk of celery, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, the juice of 1 lemon, a handful of berries of your choice, 1 carrot, 1 stalk of celery (tops and all) and a banana. Peel a small piece of ginger root and toss it in along with 1/2 cup of distilled or purified water and a few ice cubes. Blend until smooth and enjoy it as a great filling meal.