Total Body Cleansing

Total body cleansing is a effort directed at detoxifying all the organs of the body: skin, colon, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, lungs and, indirectly, the heart. The blood is also cleansed as a result.
This is achieved by consuming certain herbs as teas or food supplements and eating a whole food diet to assist complete detoxification. It may take days or months to complete the work.
Some people report they lose weight. Digestion and elimination improves dramatically and skin problems clear up. It may take some people more than one total body cleanse to achieve these kinds of results, or they may need to do a liquid fast of only freshly extracted vegetable and fruit juices.
See your doctor if you have any serious health issues before starting a total body cleanse.
  1. History

    • Generally, total body cleansing is done to alleviate occasional constipation or as a regular practice that is done as a way to remove toxins from the body.
      In the 1970s, people often used what was called the Master Cleanse of fasting on tea made from lemons, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. This was to cleanse the colon. Traditionally senna leaf, pysillium seed husks or flax seeds can be used to detox the colon.
      Why do a total body cleanse? Some people report having a bowel movement only two or three times a week. Many health professionals consider a daily bowel movement to be important.


    • People undergo total body cleansing to lose weight or if they exhibit symptoms such as constipation, headaches, skin break outs, difficulty digesting foods and similar symptoms.
      You can purchase ready-made products sold as body cleansers or you can buy several different herbs and other food supplements to do the trick.


    • Divide your total body cleanse into three parts: skin and colon and blood first. Next, lungs and liver. Last, do a gallbladder flush with your doctor's approval.
      Or you can take a commercial body cleanse product and follow the package directions.
      In all body cleanses, start with the colon first. Use lemon juice to move your bowels. Take senna leaf every night to completely cleanse the colon.
      Using a dry brush made of natural fibers, dry brush your skin before you shower each day. This is to remove dead skin cells and to activate the lymphatic system that moves toxins into the bloodstream to be eliminated.
      Take yellow dock root or red clover to cleanse the blood.
      After two to three weeks, cleanse the lungs by taking cornsilk and the liver by taking silymarin supplements. Consume these supplements according to the labeling.
      The fourth week, use olive oil and lemon to do a gallbladder flush. You should only do this with your doctor's approval as you can release gallbladder stone,s and if you are prone to them, their removal can be painful.
      You will need to fast for at least two to three days before the gallbladder flush, and on the third day, take ½ cup of olive oil with ¼ lemon juice and lie on your right side with knees bent. This will detoxify the gallbladder. The next morning, expect to see small gallbladder stones in your morning urine.


    • Start by drinking a cup of hot water with half of an organic lemon squeezed into it. This is to help your body's normal detoxification process.
      Take senna at night to cleanse the bowel. If you do not tolerate senna, use psyllium seed husks or ground up flax seeds instead.
      The best colon cleanser is the one that you feel is helping you to empty the bowel without it being an extreme detox.
      Drink at least six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water throughout the day and more if you exercise or do heavy physical work.
      Eat lightly at every meal and favor steamed whole vegetables, whole grains such as millet, brown rice, quinoa and whole fruits.
      Take senna leaf capsules before going to bed to be certain that you will have a complete bowel movement the next morning.
      Do not be surprised if you must wake during the night to empty your bowel.


    • Assess your general health before you begin a total body cleanse program. If you have any chronic diseases or if you are taking any prescription medications, see your doctor before doing a total body cleanse.
      If you have a history of constipation, diverticulosis, irritable bowel syndrome, also consult your physician first.
      Remember that while some people use total body cleansing as a practice to lose weight, this is generally not a good idea unless you are under the direct supervision of a doctor.
      Instead, to get the most out of a directed total body cleanse, eat more lightly for three to five days before you intend to start your cleanse. Eat less animal protein, and avoid caffeine, fried foods and very spicy or rich foods.

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