How to Detoxify Your Body in a Day
Things You'll Need
- Organic food
Drink plenty of liquids. This is probably the easiest way to detox in 1 day. By drinking 7 to 10 glasses of water, the body flushes out harmful substances. This method also helps to clean the kidneys and bladder. In addition to water, drinking herbal teas and fruit juices is also good. Stay away from sodas and alcohol during this detox.
Go on a 1-day fast. Not eating food gives your body a chance to heal itself. The body uses a great deal of energy in digesting food, and with no food in the system, the energy can be used in other ways. Going on a fast also allows your digestive system to rest. Since most of the toxins and chemicals in our bodies come from the foods we eat, fasting is an excellent way to give the body a day free from pesticides, preservatives and chemicals.
Eat organic fruits and vegetables. Organic food is healthier because it is grown with far fewer insecticides, pesticides and other chemicals found in most foods.
Use the sauna. The sauna allows you to sweat out impurities. The skin is the largest organ of the body, and with millions of pores, the skin secretes substances that are not beneficial to the body. Many fitness centers and health clubs have saunas, and most offer free trial memberships for a few days.
Do aerobic exercise. By doing cardio exercises, you raise the heart rate. As the heart pumps faster, this increases the circulation of the lymph fluids that remove toxins from the tissues and organs. A faster heart rate also increases the circulation of blood that brings more oxygen to all areas of the body. Exercise is one way to detoxify the body, and it also helps a person to lose weight.
Take deep breaths. Breathing deeply is a simple way to detoxify the body. With each deep breath, a person inhales oxygen that the body needs. With each exhale, the body rids itself of carbon dioxide, a by-product of many processes of the body.