About Sea Salt Cleanse Formula
The cleanse creates a laxative effect because the body cannot absorb the salt water, so it passes directly through your system. Some programs advise doing it only to relieve constipation, while others recommend doing it once a week for cleansing purposes, and still others suggest doing it daily for a full week. This procedure is not only a colon cleanse, it also flushes the stomach and small intestine as well. Medical doctors view it as useful for relieving constipation, while alternative health practitioners say it removes toxins, old fecal matter adhered to colon walls, parasites and bacteria.
Theoretical benefits include improvement of digestive tract functioning, resulting in increased energy and mood elevation. A cleansed digestive tract may also improve respiratory and sinus functions, balance electrolytes, relieve muscle pain and regulate the heart rate. Other detoxification benefits include fresh breath, reduced body odor, clearer skin, relief of chronic headaches and relief from digestive inflammation. Some proponents claim regular sea salt cleanses will improve menstrual irregularities and heal damaged intestines.
People with health issues should talk to their physician before doing a sea salt cleanse. If you experience severe constipation, using an herbal laxative a day or two before the sea salt flush is recommended. People with high blood pressure or other reasons to be concerned about salt intake should be wary of this cleanse as it provides much more salt than advised per day.
Sea salt traditionally is non-iodized and unrefined, which is why it is recommended over table salt, although buyers should read labels because some sea salt now is being refined. More complex cleansing products such as the Master Cleanse and Nature Cures also include sea salt as an ingredient.
Sea salt is an ingredient in other types of cleansing and healing remedies. Combined with warm water, it works as a nasal flush for sinus problems, and gargling with warm salt water eases sore throat symptoms. A Feng Shui detoxification bath recipe includes 2 cups of sea salt, 2 cups of baking powder and 4 tbsp. of ginger powder.