About Homemade Colon Cleanses
People undergo colon cleansing to maintain health. Colonics are ordinarily done at a clinic by a colon hypdrotherapist. A homemade colon cleanse may enemas to have the same effect.
Drinking teas with senna, casara sagrada or fennel seed can also cleanse the colon.
The colon, or the large intestine, stores waste. The body normally removes waste on its own but some people may not eat a balanced diet or not drink adequate liquids nor exercise, resulting in constipation.
Homemade colon cleansing may mean using enemas to which coffee or aloe vera may be added for additional benefits. This can be done while drinking teas or herbs that assist colon cleansing.
Enema kits can be purchased online, at drug stores and pharmacies. Cleansing herbal teas are easily purchased at health food stores or online.
Well-known herbal colon cleansers include senna and casara sagrada and the Ayurvedic formulation called triphala, made from three dried fruits.
Colon cleansing generally is seen as an alternative medical practice as mainstream Western medicine sees colon cleansing as unnecessary.
Proponents of colon cleansing say a modern American diet low on fiber and high on stress and processed foods result in widespread irregularity. Some people have only one to two bowel movements per week instead of daily.
There is a practice among some health food enthusiasts that believe colon cleansing between the season is especially important to clear any waste that is unintentionally "stuck" in the colon. This can lead to great discomfort but also become chronic.
Colon cleansing before the spring, winter, fall and summer solstices is a very common practice among people who believe in its health benefits.
People who are trying to lose weight may also do homemade colon cleansing to jumpstart their weight loss plan.
Doing homemade colon cleanses can save money if you know how to do it properly. Going to a clinic to have colonics may cost from $75 to $100. The nature of the procedure is invasive and many people might prefer to do colon cleansing in the privacy of their homes.
Taking laxatives may require staying near a bathroom to complete the colon cleansing. People who undergo a fasting and cleansing regimen, may do so during time off from work as it is difficult to do a directed colon cleanse and be at the office.
The greatest misconception may be that homemade colon cleansing is difficult. Once you learn the basic methods, it is very simple and inexpensive to do.
Literally, it can mean doing one to three or more rounds of an enema using filtered water and detoxifying.
People use coffee in the enema to encourage the liver to release bile.
The National Institutes of Health published a study in 2006 stating that health claims of doing colon cleansing may be wildly overstated. The study's researcher did state the main health benefit is to assist the body in its natural detoxification through the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
Using a colonic is a way to prevent inflammation of the GI tract but it is not necessary to do it excessively.
The other misconception is that is it habit-forming and harmful. While taking laxatives certainly may become habit-forming, doing homemade colon cleansing requires time and effort that is not easy to do every day, for example.
If you have never had a colonic or used teas designed to be colon cleansing, see your doctor or a naturopath.
People who have chronic diseases or any family history of diverticulosis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or have an eating disorder, should consult their physicians first.
Generally it is not possible to "harm" yourself by using homemade colonics, however, it is a good idea to get a medical clearance if you have any serious health conditions.