About Drinking Prune Juice to Cleanse the Colon
The amount of prune juice to drink to cleanse the colon really depends on a couple of key factors. The first involves the basic state of your colon. A person who is constipated will generally require a bit more prune juice to get those bowels moving than someone who is regular. The second relates to the purpose of the "cleanse" (and pretty much goes hand in hand with the first). If the function behind the "cleanse" is to detoxify your system, you may want to subscribe to a certain course of cleansing. Most of these will have a set schedule, so to speak, of what you should ingest and when you should ingest it. Some actually recommend that you avoid fruit juices entirely, including prune juice, so it really depends on the option you choose.
If you're looking to cleanse your colon for the purposes of constipation, you may want to consider drinking 8 ounces of prune juice prior to breakfast and another 8 ounces in the early evening, probably some time after supper. Many people believe that the second glass should be consumed 12 hours after the first. But, it's entirely up to you. This will usually relieve constipation in a couple of days. Once you've found yourself to be "regular," you should cut the second glass completely, and only drink an 8 ounce glass of prune juice in the morning. From there, cut that glass in half and only drink 4 ounces at breakfast.
That being said, prolonged use of prune juice as a means to "keep yourself regular" isn't necessarily all that healthy. Due to the laxative nature of this liquid, your body may acquire a dependency to it, meaning you'll begin to need it to keep your bowels moving. Eating sensibly and drinking lots of water is really the best approach to colon health. Simply add more fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole-grains to introduce more fiber (both soluble and insoluble) into your diet to promote regularity. It's sort of like a daily colon cleanse, just without the regiment. Plus, it's healthy for the entire body.
If you're trying to do an actual colon cleanse, prune juice isn't enough to rid this organ of toxins and waste. It takes more than just that. Before deciding to do a specific cleansing, you should really consult a doctor or dietitian. While colon cleansing may be an alternative approach to health and wellbeing, a medical professional will be able to guide you to the best option of treatment. When you're dealing with your diet, you really need to talk to someone who has studied the body medically or medicinally. It isn't enough to base your food choices on unfounded theories and fads or those people who subscribe to unfounded theories and fads.
Many medical professionals believe that colon cleansing is unnecessary, and could actually do more harm than good. The reasoning behind this is that our body knows what it's doing. It's basically a machine that, when fueled properly (i.e. a healthy diet), works efficiently. To monkey with the colon is just playing with our natural internal balance. We may end up causing a dependency, damage its efficiency, disrupt its relationship to other organs. Again, you should always consult a physician before starting any sort of "cleanse."