About At-Home Body Detox
Body detoxification is also called body cleansing. The idea is to remove toxins from your body which are ingested through day to day living. Toxins can come from a number of sources. For example, the fresh fruits and vegetables many of us eat every day carry trace amounts of pesticides and chemicals used during the growing process. Even when you wash your food, a small amount can be ingested as you eat it. Also, various air pollutants and other chemicals you encounter on a daily basis can build up in your body. When the body is poisoned by these toxins, it doesn't function as effectively and you may feel tired, overwhelmed, or even become ill. Using an at home body detox can help to eliminate the toxins from your body, helping you to feel better and strengthening your immune system.
The theories and expert opinions on body detox are countless. For example, several popular methods involve changing one's diet. Other methods focus on herbal supplements or various types of fasting, while still others use special tools (like body wraps and salt scrubs) or methods believed to help effectively remove poisons from the body with little to no change in daily lifestyle. On that note, many detox proponents believe that lifestyle changes and improvement in one's daily habits are the only way to truly detoxify the body and maintain health.
Changes in diet can be an effective way to detox. The idea behind most detox diets is to help to cleanse the colon, so many offer high fiber plans which eliminate white sugar and flour products, salt, and unnatural preservatives. These programs usually consist primarily of fruits and vegetables, and on occasion include whole grains and even lean meat. Juice or water fasting is also popular for at home body detox programs. Body wraps aren't easily done at home, but at home detoxers can rely on patches which can be purchased at any drug store. In recent years, manufacturers have begun to market these patches to be used on the bottoms of one's feet, claiming that they remove toxins from the body while one sleeps. Skin brushing and salt scrubs are detox methods easily managed at home and are effective in removing dead skin cells and stimulating lymph nodes. Using a sauna is another good method of at home cleansing, although since most homes don't have one, it's not always an option. Many herbal supplement retailers also sell detox systems, which can be easily used at home.
Regular exercise should be an imperative part of your life all the time, but it can also help you to eliminate toxins from your body. In fact, sweating is one way the body naturally releases toxins. Also, as part of any detox program, you should refrain from drinking alcohol, using tobacco or other non-prescription drugs, and even limit your intake of caffeine. Serious detoxers even eliminate the use of unnecessary hygiene products during the detox period, such as toothpaste and unnatural soap and shampoo.
Anyone considering an at-home detox program is advised to consult their physician before starting. Women who are pregnant or nursing should avoid detox programs, outside of keeping their diets healthy and exercising. Some detox programs also have what some consider negative side effects, such as loose bowels, bad breath, pimples, itching, dark urine, headaches, and various anxiety or emotional issues. Proponents of detoxing believe that these and other side effects are related to the release of toxins from your body. Drinking adequate amounts of water during your detox program can help to ease some of the side effects.