About Colonic Clinics

Colonics, also called colon hydrotherapy, colon irrigation and colon cleansing, is a process in which a machine cleanses the colon. It is believed by practitioners of alternative health that the colon is clogged by food, which prevents the colon from expelling toxins. This leads to toxemia, which leads to a variety of health problems. But by using a device that is traditionally used for a colonoscophy, the colon can be cleansed and the natural removal of waste can resume.
  1. Benefits

    • Colon cleansing is believed to positively affect the general health of the colon. By breaking up the debris in the colon, the colon can engage in natural muscle contractions, which aids in eliminating waste. The accumulation of excrement interferes with the natural lubrication of the intestines, making the passing of a bowel movement all the more difficult and painful. Colon cleansing will help patients restore their colon to its original strength and efficiency.


    • At colon hydrotherapy clinics, a machine is used to cleanse the colon with filtered water. A lubricated tube connected to the hydrotherapy machine allows waste to be disposed of, while another tube injects 15 to 20 gallons of water into the colon, often using herbs that cleanse the small intestines. The tubes will be disposed of after each treatment to avoid future infection. You will be asked to relax as much as possible during the treatment. The water will loosen and remove the contents of the colon. The only side effect of the procedure is mild flu-like symptoms.


    • The final part of a successful colon cleansing involves the passing of mucoid plaque, which is the collection of debris that has been accumulating in your colon. The mucoid plaque is foul smelling and comes in a variety of colors, ranging from brown to greenish-black.


    • Though those with mild to moderate diseases and conditions should be fine after colon hydrotherapy, medicine and certain diseases can cause complications. Colon cleansing is especially dangerous for cancer patients. Those suffering from severe weakness resulting from a disease or condition should not undergo the procedure, since colon cleansing can weaken a patient even further. Other conditions that might cause complications during the colon cleansing treatment are diverticulitis, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

    Expert Insight

    • Many in the medical field do not recommend colon cleansing. Many cleansings are not performed by competent professionals, and poorly done cleansings can actually be dangerous. Colon cleansing can cause dehydration, since the process sometimes causes the body to release salt. Finally, many professionals claim that colon cleansing is not helpful at all, since the colon can clean itself naturally and there is no need to have the colon cleansed.

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