How to Create a Vegetable Detox Diet
Decide how many days you will perform your vegetable detox diet before beginning. It is best to perform your detox for a minimum of three days to fully cleanse the colon, the perfect way to start off. On your next detox diet, you might go up to five days or a week; however, do not exceed 10 days without discussing the detox with your doctor.
Plan ahead, as detox is not always the most comfortable experience. During the first few days of your vegetable detox, you may experience headaches, body odor, fatigue and multiple bowel movements. Never fear, these are all normal symptoms of detox and will pass; however, you may find the experience more comfortable by taking a few days off of work and clearing your busy schedule.
Ease slowly into detox by cutting heavy foods such as red meat, fats, fried foods, pastas and soda about a week before beginning. Additionally, quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol and caffeine and restricting sugar will help you to avoid some of the heavier symptoms of detox. Just as you should ease into your diet, take it easy after your detox as well, avoiding the same items to prevent upset stomach and general malaise.
Get familiar with the basic rules of your vegetable detox diet in order to reap the greatest benefits. It is important that you chew your food slowly and thoroughly, as the better you chew, the easier it is for your body to digest the foods you eat. Take a few minutes to relax before and after eating and eat in a comfortable position to ease stress on your body and promote digestion. Finally, in addition to plenty of vegetables, enjoy as much herbal caffeine-free tea as you like.
Choose plenty of fresh, organic vegetables for your detox diet. While you can eat any vegetable you like, beets, cauliflower, broccoli and broccoli sprouts, garlic, onions as well as red and green vegetables are particularly helpful in detox. Finally, whenever possible, leave the peel on your vegetables, as many of the nutrients are concentrated near the surface.
Eat as many fresh, raw, organic vegetables as you like during your detox diet. You can use a bit of lemon juice, sea salt and/or apple cider vinegar to season salad; however, no dressings or oil. While you might enjoy a soup in the evening, try to eat vegetables raw as often as possible as they contain important enzymes that will help your detox. If making soup, be sure to eat all of the liquid, as many important vitamins and minerals leach into the water.