How to Cleanse With a Raw Food Diet
Dive right in. Unlike other cleansing diets which require that you take a few days beforehand to eliminate meats, fats, sugars and other foods, a raw food diet can be started today with no problems. A raw food diet may be mentally difficult, as you will miss cooked foods; however, detox is gentle and does not require preparation.
Choose fresh, organic produce to aid in cleansing. The fruits and vegetables that you eat are only as good as the soil they are grown in, and pesticides and fertilizers destroy the vitamin and mineral nutrients in the soil. Additionally, waxes and other chemicals defeat the purpose of your raw food diet by introducing harmful chemicals into your body.
Make sure that you get plenty of fat and protein in your diet. Healthy fats can be found in avocados, nuts, seeds and vegetables oils. The best raw food sources of protein include nutritional yeast, sprouted beans, grains and seeds and raw nuts and nut butters.
Get creative with your raw food recipes, creating a variety of salads, dressings and desserts. There are many great resources online which offer simple recipes and gourmet entrees.
Select a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and raw grains to ensure that you get a balance of all of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. This is a great time to try items you have never dared to try before, such as jicama or agave.
Leave the peel on whenever possible, as the majority of nutrients in fruits and veggies are found near the surface. Most items, such as cucumber, carrot and jicama can simply be scrubbed and eaten.
Warm things up if you begin to crave hot foods. You can make raw soups, heating in a double boiler; however, do not heat foods higher than 103 degrees Fahrenheit or they will no longer be raw. Additionally, you might try a food dehydrator to make breads, crackers and even pizza to liven up your cleansing diet.