How to Prepare for a Green Juice Fast
Things You'll Need
- Fruits and vegetables
- Sea salt or non-iodized table salt
- Steam room or sauna
Go on a vegetarian diet before fasting. Go on a vegetarian diet one to two weeks before you begin the fast. You may have some fish and eggs if you want, but you will want to steer clear of dairy products as they are known to cause your body to produce more amounts of mucus and other gunk that the green juices will be flushing out of your system. Substitute dairy products with soy milk, soy cheeses and, of course, soy yogurt.
Treat your insides to a sea-salt flush two days before the juice fast begins. Dilute a tablespoon of sea salt or non-iodized table salt in 8 oz. of warm water. Add a splash of lemon juice to help the taste. Sip slowly and try to drink it all. Only do this when you can be at home, preferably alone, for two or more hours. Within 10 to 30 minutes you will feel the enema-like effects of the saltwater flushing waste from your colon and you will spend some time on the toilet. This flush removes many layers of built-up waste in the colon and will make the fasting process much easier for you. Consult your doctor before trying this flush.
Relax and detox in a sauna before beginning your green juice fast. Sit in the steam room or sauna in your local gym or day spa to allow your body to expel additional toxins via sweating before officially beginning the fast. Relaxing in the sauna is a great time to prepare yourself mentally as well. Use that time to meditate on the benefits you are looking forward to experiencing when the fast in complete. Acknowledge to yourself that fasting will not be the easiest thing you have ever done, but it also will not be the most difficult. Envision yourself going through the fast successfully, and you will.