How to Do a Colon Cleanse for Body Detoxification
Consider your general health, and in particular your regular bowel movements before deciding on what kind of colon detox cleansing you will try. If you are regular every day and do not experience constipation or straining during bowel movements, then you will only need a mild cleansing treatment.
Choose a detoxification drink that you can include in your daily diet. You can find many different brands available at the health food store. For this kind of detox, you will not have to fast or change any of your eating habits. If you have good, regular bowel movements, you probably have a pretty good diet already.
Decide if you want to try a more drastic colon cleansing such as an enema, which forces water or other combinations of salt and herbal treatments up your colon through a small tube. This cleansing can be a dangerous procedure if you don't do it correctly and cause serious damage to your intestines.
Make your own colon cleansing detox drink using items found in a health food store. Simply mix the ingredients and drink. Try things such as psyllium husks or seeds, probiotics or mild laxatives. Start light and only increase the dosage or frequency if you continue to experience problems.
Watch for signs that you have gone too far with your colon cleansing routine. Feeling dizzy or weak, fatigued or nauseous is a clue that you should discontinue use of the treatment and see your doctor.
Stay at home, near a bathroom when you take a colon cleansing detox drink or enema.