How to Avoid the Risks of a Water Fast
Stop your water fast immediately if you experience any severe physical side effects, such as fainting spells or heart palpitations. Stopping a fast before the planned duration does not mean that you lose all of the already obtained positive health benefits. Fasting is about being healthy and healing your body, so it is important to pay close attention to the risks and slowly build up to longer water fasts.
Learn to distinguish between the common uncomfortable symptoms of a water fast and more serious complications and health risks. Headaches, nausea and mild spells of dizziness are usual symptoms associated with the natural process of detoxification during a water fast and will generally pass within a few hours. These symptoms do not cause any permanent damage to your body and can act as signs that your body's digestive system and liver are taking a much-needed break.
Avoid water fasting for longer than 3 days at a time. Water fasts of 1 week or more are generally considered dangerous due to the medical risks for your body, especially those affecting your heart and brain. Glucose levels in the body drop dramatically during a water fast and may deprive the body of the energy necessary to perform fundamental bodily functions.
Avoid strenuous physical activity and exercise during a water fast. The body's blood-sugar levels tend to become unstable during a water fast and may cause you to feel weak or faint, especially when your heart rate increases. If you faint during a water fast, you should discontinue it immediately and seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Augment your water fast with occasional servings of fruit and vegetable juices to keep your blood-sugar levels stable. It is sometimes helpful to start out with 1 serving of juice per day until your body becomes accustomed to being denied solid food. As you become more experienced with fasting, you may be able to remove these servings and stick strictly to water.