How to Deal With the Negative Side Effects of a Fast
Be prepared to deal with negative side effects of fasting that are related to personal hygiene. Common side effects of fasting include increased acne, heavy body odor and bad breath. You may need to apply additional deodorant, see a dermatologist for prescription face washes and brush your teeth more often than usual while fasting.
Ask your primary-care physician about over-the-counter medications that help treat symptoms of fasting without interfering with the detoxification process. For example, headaches, mild nausea and constipation--all common side effects--are easily treated with medications available for purchase at your local pharmacy or grocery store. Still, it is best to consult your doctor to determine which of these medications are safest and least likely to produce additional side effects.
Consult your doctor about negative side effects of juice fasting that are related to prescription drugs you are currently taking. For example, you should avoid drinking grapefruit and pomegranate juices during a fast as the compounds found in these fruits may change the way prescription drugs are metabolized in your body.
Reconsider your decision to fast if you suffer from diabetes, low blood sugar, liver or kidney disease or any other chronic medical condition. Fasting, especially in the presence of serious medical conditions, can significantly reduce blood-sugar levels in your body, which is potentially life threatening. Similar complications are possible in relation to eating disorders, epilepsy and many infections.
Keep yourself as hydrated as possible while you fast. Common side effects of fasting include diarrhea and vomiting, which can lead to severe dehydration and loss of essential electrolytes in the body.