How to Use Bentonite for Colon Cleansing
Take bentonite as a capsule, powder or a liquid preparation. The liquid preparation is the preferred form. Liquid bentonite should be ingested once a day on an empty stomach if possible and not within 1 hour of a meal.
Mix at least 1 tbsp. of bentonite with juice or applesauce. This will make the bentonite more palatable and the pectin in the applesauce also will serve as a natural binder. Increase the dosage to 4 tbsp. per day in divided doses after a week.
Attract herbicides, molds, pesticides and viruses with the ingested bentonite. These positively charged substances are attracted to the negatively charged clay platelets. Bentonite can draw other toxins into the spaces between the clay particles when it expands in the presence of water.
Pass the bentonite through the intestinal tract. It is biologically inert and is therefore not assimilated into the body.
Combine colon cleansing with a lifestyle change to restore your health to an optimum level. The colon becomes more effective in absorbing nutrients because it is freed of the waste deposits caused by unhealthy eating.