How to Do a Kidney Cleansing
Things You'll Need
- Dried Hydrangea root
- Gravel root
- Marshmallow root
- Fresh parsley
- Goldenrod tincture
- Vegetable glycerine
- Ginger Capsules
- Uva Ursi capsules
- Vitamin B-6
- Magnesium oxide
Measure 1/4 of each root, hydrangea, gravel and marshmallow, and allow them to soak overnight in about 10 cups of filtered water. Be sure to use a non-metal container when soaking herbs. After soaking overnight, bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat for 20 minutes. Strain the roots from the water.
Boil 4 cups of fresh parsley in one quart of filtered water for three minutes. Strain the parsley and add the tea to your root mixture. Add 20 drops of goldenrod tincture and 1 tbsp. of vegetable glycerin to the tea and store in the refrigerator.
Drink 1 cup of tea four to five times throughout the day, making more tea when your supply runs low. You should continue drinking the kidney cleansing tea for at least 6 weeks to fully flush your kidneys. Always store your tea in the refrigerator, reheating to a boil every 4 days to sterilize the tea.
Take one ginger capsule, one uva ursi capsule, one vitamin B-6 capsule (250 mg) and one magnesium oxide capsule (300 mg) with each meal to further aid in kidney cleansing.