How to Do a Parasite Cleansing
Things You'll Need
- High fiber foods
- Black walnut extract
- Wormwood tea
- Cloves or clove extract
Begin your parasite cleansing by increasing your fiber intake. Fiber will help your body to eliminate the parasites quickly and easily as they begin to die off. Helpful fiber includes pumpkin seeds, flaxseed and papaya.
Place three drops of black walnut extract under your tongue, holding until fully absorbed. Continue this treatment each day for the full seven days of your parasite cleanse. Black walnut is high in organic iodine and will help to kill parasites, worms and even athletes foot. Black walnut is an effective cleansing agent; however, this only works on parasites in the developmental and adult stages.
Drink 4 cups of wormwood tea each day for one week. Wormwood has been used for centuries for parasite cleansing, and will eliminate tapeworms, hookworms, roundworm and even malaria. Wormwood will help to eliminate adult and developing parasites that black walnut cannot.
Add cloves to your foods and teas as much as possible for one week. If you have difficulty adding cloves to your regular meals, you can add 12 drops of clove extract to water or juice three times daily. Cloves effectively kill the eggs of parasites, which black walnut and wormwood will not. Used together these three herbs form an effective parasite cleanse that will completely eliminate parasites from your body within one week.
Complete a week-long parasite cleansing which combines these three healing herbs at least twice a year.