How to Fast to Treat Colitis
Plan a 21-day therapeutic juice fast to treat colitis symptoms. The cycle will consist of eight days taking in only fresh fruit and vegetable juices, three days to gradually come off from the juice fast and ten days eating at least 75 percent raw foods.
Begin with an 8-day juice fast, drinking the juice of raw fruits and vegetables. You may juice any fruit or vegetable that can be eaten raw and may consume as much juice as you need to combat hunger and thirst. As a general rule, mix your juices with one part water to one part juice, using filtered or bottled water if possible. A few beneficial fruits and vegetables for colitis include cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, zucchini squash, romaine lettuce, celery, apples, grapes and melons.
Be prepared to spend a little extra time in the bathroom, as a juice fast will help to clean out wastes from your digestive tract, increasing both urination and defecation. You should drink a minimum of four 8 oz. glasses of fresh juice throughout the day for eight full days. You cannot overdo a juice fast, so whenever you feel hungry or thirsty--drink.
Come off of the juice fast gradually by eating very lightly for three days. Only eat raw fruits and vegetables during this three day period. As a rule of thumb, eat six small meals each day, eating only half as much as you would like to. Continue drinking fresh juice to combat thirst and hunger.
Maintain a raw food diet for at least 10 days after your juice fast. You may eat three full meals and snacks, as long as at least 75 percent of each meal is made up from raw, uncooked fruits, vegetables and nuts. The 25 percent cooked portion should include whole grain pastas and breads, brown rice, beans and cooked vegetables. Refrain from eating meat, not just while on the fast, but always, as meat irritates the symptoms of colitis.
Eat as normal once you have completed the 21-day cycle. Be sure to include plenty of fresh healthy proteins and fats in your regular diet such as yogurt, goat's milk, nuts and beans. Complete a 21-day juice fast when needed to treat the symptoms of colitis.