How to Do an Apple Cleansing Fast
Things You'll Need
- 20 organic apples
Prepare for your fast by eating lightly the day prior to starting. Avoid the temptation to eat a big "last supper" the night before. Instead, have a green salad to brush your system clear and prepare your body.
Eat nothing but organic apples, red or yellow, for three full days. Drink plenty of water or apple juice as well.
Take two tablespoons of olive oil on the fourth day to aid in digestion and facilitate your movements following the fast.
Begin breaking the fast on the fourth day by drinking orange juice in the morning and eating a light meal of fruits and vegetables in the afternoon. By dinner you should be ready to add some light grains to your diet.
Eat regularly on the fifth day and return to a normal, healthy diet, and regular exercise schedule.
Repeat this cleansing diet once a month for two to three months to clear your entire alimentary canal, liver, kidneys and your system in general.