How to Do a Gelatin Juice Fast
Things You'll Need
- Gelatin
- Vegetables
- Kelps
- Juicers
Dissolve 1 tbsp. of gelatin granuals into 1/3 C. of hot water, add ¼ tsp. of kelp powder (or liquid), and mix with 8 to 10 ozs of fresh raw vegetable juice (fresh sqeezed). Double this recipe to make more at one time and store in your refrigerator for one or two days.
Carrot juice is an excellent fasting juice. It is proven to have anticancer qualities and loads of beta-carotene. Make sure to use the portion at the very top of the carrot. Celery, beets, avocados, squash tomatoes, parsley, green beans, and spinach are just a few of the wonderful vegetables for juicing.
Mix and match to invent your own combinations. Juice each vegetable seperately, then combine in a glass to experiment with different flavor combinations.
Consume this super-cocktail once in the morning, once at noon and once at night.
Drink fresh juices without gelatin throughout the day as much as you desire.
Continue this for up to ten days. Juice any vegetables you wish.
Break your fast by eating whole fruits and vegetables for a full day and then easing back into your normal diet the next day.