How to Do a Pineapple Fast for the Lungs
Things You'll Need
- Frozen Castor Oil Capsules
- Crushed Pineapples
- Figs
- Ginger Teas
- Herbal Teas
- Pineapple Juices
- Pineapples
- Pumpkins Seeds
- Raw Almonds
- Laxatives Tea
Eat fresh pineapples, as much as you desire, for 3 full days. This fast can be done for up to 10 days, but a minimum of three is neccesary to achieve any results.
Drink wormwood tea or ginger tea as well. You may also include figs, raw almonds, and whole pumpkin seeds in your diet. These foods are also believed to be beneficial lung foods, but should only be used moderately and in addition to, not as a replacement for, the pineapple.
Drink a laxative tea or eat frozen castor oil capsules on the morning and night of the third day, and each day you fast beyond that, to help eliminate waste. Try one capsule at first, and if that is not enough, try two.
Break your fast by eating oranges or lightly steamed carrots to prepare your body for heavier foods.
Wait at least 6 hours after eating oranges or carrots before moving onto some raw or steamed vegatables. You may return to your normal diet the next day, but try to avoid heavy, difficult-to-digest foods in the beginning.